THE OABA'S CONTRIBUTION FUND offers three different plans – Gold, Silver & Bronze – to meet your show's contribution to the OABA and in turn, rewards the show and concessionaires for these donations.
Fundraising for the OABA has always been based on the generosity of its members and depends on members to pay their fair share, the theory being that the organization belongs to the members who raise relevant issues and in the belief that they will also underwrite activities. Support and participation of enough members will provide the revenue necessary to continue and improve on membership services.WHAT IS THE MONEY USED FOR?
The funds collected for this program are earmarked for legal, legislative and lobbying issues. Also, funds are used to continually upgrade member services.HOW IS IT HANDLED?
This OABA program advises member carnivals to collect funds from all office-owned and independent concessions and rides, side shows and arcades. When the show owner collects the money, they need to give or complete a receipt. The show or concessionaires then send the receipts to the OABA office, which will then be eligible for monthly and annual incentive prizes.
Carnivals and donors' names are published in OABA's monthly ShowTime Magazine
Please call or email us for more information on how to participate! If you already are part of this program and need additional books, please let us know.
Tim Kwiatkowski, 413.313.3763 or timk@oaba.org
Sue Gallup, 413.407.848.4958 or sueg@oaba.org

At the OABA's 54th Annual Meeting, Chair Jay Strates (left) presented awards for top, overall contributions to the 2018 Contributions Fund Program. Pictured here with Chair Strates and Past President Bob Johnson (right) are (L-R) Ben Pickett, Ray Cammack Shows (Gold); Debbie Powers, Powers Great American Midways (Silver); Rick Reithoffer, Reithoffer Shows (Silver); and Steve Broetsky, Frazier Shows (Bronze). All participants in the OABA's Contribution Fund Program in 2018, raised almost $160,000 to help the OABA with its advocacy on both the Federal (H-2B) and State (amusement ride legislation) legal initiatives.